Anhhuy Do

Anhhuy is a Senior majoring in Political Science and minoring in History. He is a Curriculum and Competitive Debate Intern with the Atlanta Urban Debate League, an education organization with the mission of providing debate education resources and instructional services in urban public schools to equip young students with important advocacy, public speaking, and research skills. Anhhuy is also the former Chief-of-Staff and current Senior Advisory Board Head for the Emory Asian Pacific-Islander Desi American Activists (APIDAA). APIDAA is a social justice student organization that focuses on political education, civic engagement, and activism around issues that impact the Asian American community, with the goal of engaging Asian Americans in the political process and standing in solidarity with other marginalized groups on Emory’s campus and in the broader Atlanta area. In addition to this, Anhhuy is a Research Fellow with the Emory Center for Law and Social Sciences, where he works with Professor Derrick Howard regarding research on the legal history of reparations and the role of artificial intelligence in various salient racial and social issues.